After the whirlwind of launching Antioch, I’ve had several people ask me how things are going. So here’s a little list of my thoughts!
- We had 145 people at the public launch on the 15th and 110 people at church on the 22nd. Statistics show that after 5 weeks most new churches have about half the amount of people they had on their opening weekend. It’s pretty easy to see that we’ll be way ahead of that mark!!
- Mosaic has had close to 30 people the last two Sunday nights. Amazingly, that’s probably one of the largest college groups in town. For a brand new group that is unheard of. I am thrilled at the energy of Mosaic and the job that the leadership team is doing (Rich & Christen Waller, Brandon Groza, Rachel Reber, Linda Janney and Kirk and Amanda Patterson).
- Coffee!!! Have you ever had better coffee at church? (That’s Linda smiling big with all the coffee cups)
- Problems: We’ve had a couple of glitches (like the lighting), but I’ve been surprised at how few big issues we’ve had. Thanks especially to the set up guys and Josh who has been running sound.
- New people: I don’t know if you’ve had the opportunity to meet many new people, but I’ve been thoroughly blessed in getting to meet those God is bringing to Antioch. If you can, plan on coming to the “Connecting Lunch” after church on Sunday, November 5th.
- Kids Ministries: I have a baby in the nursery and two girls in Children’s Church… and they are loving it!! Great work from all those involved… Nothing seems to make church feel “complete” more than happy kids!
In short, I’m overwhelmed by how much is going on, how fast things are happening and how many great people are jumping in and being creative. It’s a fun season of life :)
Lastly, I’m praying that we will be able to continue to see God’s work among us and that we will also continue to give Him the credit!
It’s been such a CRAZY FUN time!!! I can’t stop talking about it to people at work, school, around town etc. etc. It sure has been a blessing. You would be shocked at the amount of new faces at Mosaic. It’s awesome! Would you come speak for us sometime? Have a great day!:)