Keep em coming

Matt Smith, Ann Mara and I were in Chicago this week co-hosting a conference on the Congo.

There were over 30 church leaders and pastors in attendance.  Heard some sober testimonies from Congolese natives Marcel and Cyprian and a powerful trip summary from Lynne Hybels on her recent time in the DRC.  Also, made friends with a solid group of guys from Fort Wayne, Indiana.  Pretty amazing stuff!!

One of the cool things that happened was a steady stream of orders for the Congo CD’s.  We’ve had to put in a request for another printing of 1,000!! How cool is it that a bunch of churches want to promote the Congo Benefit Project and carry the CD in their bookstores?

In addition to the CD’s, there are 3 parties interested in possibly hosting a Congo Benefit Concert – East Coast, Midwest and West Coast.  Time for some of the band members to get their frequent flyer #’s on!!!

(Here are some more pics from last Sunday’s concert… the black and white one is when all the bands led the whole Tower Theatre in singing Amazing Grace – the last track on the Congo album)




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