Here is one of Antioch’s summer interns singing special music this Sunday.
Absolutely one of my all time favorites!!
I’ve printed the words to the song below and the video at bottom (the video quality is poor, but worth the watch).
“Here, Master, in This Quiet Place”
Author: Fred Pratt Green (1974)
Here Master, in this quiet place, where anyone may kneel.
I also come to ask for grace, believing You can heal.
If pain of body, stress of mind destoys my inward peace,
In prayer to you Lord may I find the secret of release.
If self upon the sickness feeds and turns my life to gall,
let me not brood upon my needs, but simply tell You all.
You never said, “you ask to much” to any troubled soul.
I long to feel Your healing touch, will You not make me whole?
But if the thing I most desire is not Your way for me,
may faith, when tested in the fire, prove its integrity.
Of all my prayers, may this be chief till faith is fully grown.
Lord disbelieve my unbelief and claim me as Your own.
We ask you Lord our Great High Priest make our faith fully grown
Lord disbelieve our unbelief and claim us as Your own.
Here master in this quiet place where anyone may kneel.
Thanks, Ken, for printing the lyrics. I hadn’t been familiar with the song but loved it when I heard Luke sing it…lovely words.