Monkey Island

Last night we had Chinese Food with Pastor Peter and Pastor Fred from Africa Renewal (ARM’s). It was at a restaurant called, “Fang Fang.” I’ll pass on Chinese Food for a while :)

So the lineup for today…

John & Lori Courtney are heading to the ARM’s office to meet for a lengthy time with Fred Sekyewa the Executive Director about child sponsorships and everything else related to Africa Renewal. John is the best “question asker” I have ever met. It has been great having a thorough lawyer along on the trip to move things forward!! After their meetings they will be heading to Bethany Village, which is an orphan village on Lake Victoria that was started by ARM’s.

Ben, Beth and Kim are headed to “Monkey Island.” It’s an island in the middle of Lake Victoria that you get to by a half hour boat ride that is supposed to be filled with Monkey’s. Ben has a long lens for his camera that he affectionately named his “monkey lens” as it is his dream to be able to photograph some wildlife.

I told Ben that he needs to get a picture of Kim acting like a monkey with a real monkey behind her that we could auction off when we get back to church… pretty good idea, right??

As for me… I will be heading to Entebbe Airport to go hunting for my luggage…

At 3:00 a.m. we head to the airport for a 5:00 a.m. flight to Burundi via Nairobi, Kenya. We will be met there by Dan and Tambre Brose who are from Antioch.

As far as what is being accomplished…… there is so much happening and developing that I have a perpetual migraine and can’t imagine trying to type it all out right now… sorry :)

More later~

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