No One to Run With

No One to Run With

I used to love listening to The Allman Brothers Band when I was in college (I even made it to a concert once in North Carolina).

I just played an Allman Brothers song on iTunes for the first time in a long time. It is called “No One to Run With.”

It made me think of the arrangement that God seemed to make with people all throughout the scriptures… that they would have others to run with. Moses with Aaron and Joshua. David with Jonathon and his “mighty men.” Jesus with his disciples. Paul with Barnabas, Titus, Luke and Timothy.

What excited me was that I’m beginning to see God bring a bunch of people together to “run with each other.” Nobody ever knows the next chapter, but it seems like there is a cast of characters forming for whatever that chapter and the future holds.

Its exciting to be a part of something larger than yourself and its always exciting when things start to move!!



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