
Here are some of my pictures from Uganda!!

I was lucky to be able to ride along on several different day trips to small villages and some IDP Camps (refugee camps for Internally Displaced People). It was good to see a lot of the country… and it was difficult to see how much poverty and strife exists.

The one thing that really struck me is how hopeless the situation is for so many people. What I mean is this… in America there are options (Oregon Health Plan, Disability, Unemployment, free school, school loans, business loans, 911, Urgent Health Care, clean water, trustworthy police, safe roads, paved roads, grocery stores etc. etc.)

In Uganda, by contrast, there is no way to esacape a bad situation. There is no way out. Living on subsistence farming just to eat one meal a day leaves you with no options to get ahead. Unless other people give a helping hand… there is no help.

I think of the 15 year old girl with her 1 year old strapped to her back who works all day picking passion fruit in the mountains to make $1 day (if she’s lucky).



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