Coffee Restaurants

One of the things I found interesting in Uganda was that they grow amazing coffee… but don’t drink it.

I had the hardest time getting our driver, Masandich Moses, to believe that we have entire “coffee restaurants” in the U.S. (Starbucks etc.) He thought I was trying to play a practical joke on him :)

Anyway, he’s supposed to give me a bag of coffee from his plot of land the next time I go back.

Here is a picture of the coffee plants (first time I’d ever seen them). They grow to full size in a year, but then slowly die over the next 3 -5 years and have to be pulled out so that fresh ones can be planted. Pretty interesting stuff…

1 thought on “Coffee Restaurants”

  1. Funny that they grow the coffee and don’t drink it and we don’t grow the coffee and drink it. It is a weird world

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