The Antioch Commitments

This past Sunday at Antioch I talked about the four commitments of Antioch. We call them commitments because we truly want to make sure they are central to everything we do, not just beliefs or principles that sit on a shelf.

Our name and our commitments are derived from the church at Antioch as described in Acts.

  1. Christ-Centered. The disciples were first calle Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:25). This is one of the first places where a community of people sought to follow the leading of Jesus and live in a new and radical way. We too submit ourselves to Christ’s leading, his authority, his agenda and his values.
  2. Authentic Spirituality. The first community at Antioch had a difficulty – there were both Jews and Gentiles. these two groups were incompatible and their traditions and practices clashed. The goal was to find until under Christ and focus on a relationship with God rather than mere religious practice. Whatever was a barrier was thrown out, and whatever aided the community in growth, unity, and an authentic focus on God was retained. In much the same way, we are committed to being as culturally relevant as possible while still keeping the gospel message biblical and Christ Centered.
  3. Intentional Community. The church at Antioch was the first recorded church in the Christian era where one group of believers specifically targeted and reached out to a different culture, ethnicity, and demographic. We are committed to doing the same. We are committed to being intentional about developing community.
  4. Missional. This is one of our dearest values. We believe the gospel is not simply a message on paper, but a calling to participate in. We see the task of being missional witnesses as taking place in three spheres: living for others at home (in Bend), in our backyard (Central Oregon), and abroad (the nations). Lastly, we will be willing to take the best of what God gives us and in turn give it away out of our passion for others and our sensitivity to God’s leading – much as the original Antioch church was willing to send out Paul and Barnabas at the prompting of God.
You can watch the sermon to hear more about our commitments, the heart of the church, and how we can all live it out in our lives and our community!

The Heart and Commitments of Antioch from Antioch Church on Youtube.

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