The Justice Conference website is in its final stages of development. Should be live in about two weeks. It’s pretty sweet!!
Here’s a cool little blurb Matt Smith wrote as an intro for the site:
The Justice Conference is about the nature of justice. Justice as the foundation of human rights. Justice as the expression of equality. Justice as the fabric of freedom. Justice as reconciliation. Justice as restored relationship between the creator and the created.
The Justice Conference is about the location of justice. Justice at work on Monday morning. Justice as driving to the store in the suburbs. Justice as playing soccer on the pavement in the projects. Justice as selling sugar in the slums of Kenya. Justice as brainstorming in the corporate boardroom. Justice as the small decisions made every day. Justice as the shared universal maxim.
The Justice Conference is about the work of justice. Justice as a call. Justice as a commission. Justice as vocation. Justice as worship. Justice as identity. Justice as service. Justice as sacrifice. Justice as the coming of God’s kingdom.
The Justice Conference is about justice. Knowing justice. Loving justice. Being justice.
(Below is a screenshot of the new site. Click on it if you want to become a fan on Facebook.)