The North Star is probably the most recognized metaphor for anything that guides, sets direction, locates position, or provides context and reassurance.
In leadership the North Star is vision.
Vision is the clear picture of a desirable and necessary future that unites, directs, and motivates a group to struggle forward to that better future.
Leaders have long understood that a lack of vision leaves the group in the dark – walking backwards into the future rather than forward with eyes wide open.
The writer of Proverbs says something similar about the lack of guidance: “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.”
A vision that we have at Antioch is to own and operate a coffee house in Bend that will serve as a crossroads between church and culture – much like the ancient synagogue, marketplace or watering well served as a crossroads.
Like the North Star, vision is distant and far off. It guides our actions to a destination rather than dropping our wants and wishes into our laps like a genie.
If we want to take hold of a vision as large as the coffee house, we need to begin thinking, brainstorming and praying about it now.
We don’t have all the problems solved or questions answered, but it’s time to start walking forward…
The crossroads between church and culture is distant. Let’s shorten the gap!! The coffee shop is a great place to begin.
Reading this evokes such strong emotion within me. To be a part of a church that has purpose, focus, vision–all striving in a godward direction–why is that such a rare thing in the world of Christianity in America? Where might I have been in my walk with the Lord had I the priviledge of being a part of a body like Antioch earlier in my life? How long have I (and so many believers around me) been wandering around in a meaningless direction!
Looking forward, I am so excited and so thankful to God for surrounding me with brothers and sisters who share a common vision, love the Lord and want to pour themselves out completely for His work. God is working and I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do through the body of Antioch Church.