Vision Sunday

Sunday we’re giving a kind of “State of the Union” talk with reports on Africa, the partnership with World Relief, the partnership with Moody Bible Institute (more on that later) and everything else but the kitchen sink!!

There’s been so much happening lately that I can’t wait to be able to catch everyone up to speed.

More than anything else, I love talking about vision and dreaming big dreams. This time, it will be especially fun because of all the things that God is already doing!!

1 thought on “Vision Sunday”

  1. Wow! There’s always so much amazing stuff happening at Antioch. I feel like every time I talk to someone there is something new and exciting unfolding. I’m excited to get caught up to speed on all the happenings and where we are headed.

    It is so exciting to be involved in a church like Antioch. It’s the first time I’ve experienced a church that is so obviously being moved along by the power of God. I’ve never heard of such amazing opportunities coming along for such a young church–and there have been so many amazing opportunities–as those Antioch is involved with. It’s unheard of which makes it so obvious that God is the one doing the work.

    I feel so blessed to be a part of it!

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