Worship and Bulletins

Worship and Bulletins

I’ve always been fascinated by the care and quality that was taken in putting together the Tabernacle of God in the Old Testament. God himself required the finest gems and the most expensive fabrics. The place where people were to go meet God needed to reflect the worth and value of God.

Believing this, I’ve always had a hard time with church bulletins. It’s the one thing that gets thrust into your hands on the way into a church and its the one thing that you’ll spend 10 minutes looking over before the service starts. If bulletins are such a huge focal point and communicate all the important facts about the church and service, why are they so scattered and ugly?

At Antioch we want to view the bulletin as a means of worship. That’s right, we believe that through beauty and order a bulletin can help someone worship God or prepare to worship God.

As a result, we ordered 15,000 of the most beautiful & expensive church bulletins I’ve ever seen, which were just delivered to our office today. The topper… we only had to pay for the paper and none of the printing costs!

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