Worship Pastor

We’re currently in the search for a full-time Worship & Music Pastor for the church.

It’s funny how easy it is to decide to find someone in contrast to how difficult it is to actually find someone.

Anyway, it looks like I might be flying down to San Clemente in two weeks to meet with a couple. The irony of it all is that the wife was in my college group years ago and that they are currently at the same church Kirk and Amanda Patterson used to attend (and that’s where the weird coincidences begin!)

I’ll save more of the details for the future… the bottom line is that in the middle of a series on prayer I find myself more and more in need of it.

If you want, I’d love for a bunch of people to join the Prayer Group on our new networking site. If you do, you’ll get prayer updates and be able to leave comments & praises.

Lots going on!!

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