Full Days and Big Smiles

Full day and big smile

Today was a crazy day. It started fast, finished fast, and covered many miles in between.

The lesson I learned in the middle of it all was the power of laughter.

Kim Hunt works two days a week in the office, and if you’ve never heard Kim’s laugh then you’ve missed one of the marvels of God’s creation. Her laugh is infectious!

Anyway, between her laughter, a visit from my kids, and a video clip from my friend Josh, I lived the old proverb which says, “A happy heart makes the face cheerful…”

Here’s to full days and big smiles!

4 thoughts on “Full Days and Big Smiles”

  1. Rachel needs to get a new role model-Paris Hilton perhaps? Just Kidding!! There is one problem with the laugh, I only have one level and its loud!!!!

  2. Yea it’s loud. But it’s so funny!! Are you judging me for wanting to be Paris Hilton for Halloween?

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