Shrek Marathon

Shrek Marathon

This past Sunday the Middle School ministry joined with the High School and did a “Shrek Marathon.”

They watched Shrek 1 and Shrek 2 on a screen at the theatre during the morning while the rest of us were in church, and then they bought tickets and watched Shrek 3 shortly after the service finished.

At first I didn’t know what I thought of the idea (probably a good thing that Linda didn’t ask me beforehand :) After hearing how it went (there were over 40 students) and how the students were excited to invite their friends, I began to be grateful that there are a whole lot of people at Antioch taking risks and trying to make a difference in the lives of others.

I’m sure that the Apostle Paul would have sat through a little bit of Shrek if he thought it would open a door into someones life.

It’s amazing to watch how the Middle School group has grown from 2 kids in January to over 15 committed students regularly reading their bibles and doing devotionals written by the Middle School staff.

The team is doing a fantastic job!!

So now I’m thinking that with Die Hard 3 coming out shortly, the college group should do a “Die Hard Marathon“… now that’d be one that I could sit through!!

(Just kidding!!)



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