5 thoughts on “Women in Ministry”

  1. OK- This couldn’t be better timing!
    This article was so spot on! Thanks for sharing it.
    So, you know that recently Ruth Bell Graham went to be with the Lord. I watched her funeral on TV. She was an amazing woman whom I admire. The world is different now for women. I’m not sure where Antioch stands on this issue. Or other thought provoking issues such as: a.) speaking in tongues b.) gays & lesbians in church
    c.)worship in music d.) The homeless e.) the second coming of Christ (pre-post tribulation?)
    Or does all this really matter at ALL????

  2. I would maintain that some of the issues you raise don’t matter at all while others do. I agree, the world is a different place but God’s word is absolute and never changes. That being said, this certainly does spur on more discussion as to what the Bible specifically says about various topics that the world today debates.

  3. Wow! This is a great topic for today. I wrote a paper supporting women elders for a course I was taking last winter (the slant was required). I did a lot of reading (“Two Views; Women in Ministry” was one of the books I read), and I looked at the impact of women elders in churches like Park Street Church in Boston. I came away from the assignment with a little bit different thinking than I had before I began.
    There is one thing I think needs to be said, and that is the fact that the issue is so much more complex than what was presented in this article.
    I realize this is one of those unpopular, hot-button issues for churches today but I think it’s important and good to spend time in serious study, thinking and discussion concerning the matter, all with love for each other and an unwavering desire to please God in every way.

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